Thursday, March 22, 2018

Feeding your yeast as a reason to get out of bed - adventures in sourdough

It's all sourdough starter all the time in my house right now. I'm experimenting which means I have six, yes six, starters bubbling away on my table right now.
I would post a picture but, well, I'm lazy and don't have one - yet. I will soon. Here is one of the first two though:

I've learned a lot on this starter adventure so far and I will post more later. Right now, I'm doing a little self therapy.

Sometimes I need reasons to get out of bed. Suddenly I have 6 glass jars of yeast that need to be fed twice a day. It got me out of bed this morning, the call of the little yeasties, wanting to be fed. Then I made a levian, then some bread. It felt good to make something, to get my hands deep in the warm, wet dough. Feeling its aliveness.

Warm sourdough bread is so comforting.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Adventures in allergies

Not that this is a popular blog but just in case you're wondering, yes I have been gone for a while... It seems that allergies have re-emerged in my life and my diet took a downward spiral. Although it's been a while I am still here and cooking and ready to share all my adventures in cooking. So, buckle up and get ready, cause this is going to get fun!